9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers


At the end of August 1917 the 2nd North Irish Horse Regiment was dismounted and absorbed into the 9th (Service) Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, which henceforth was known as the 9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers.

This section covers the period from 1 January to 9 June 1919.

The diary is sourced from National Archives document WO 95/2505.



January 1919


Ref Sheet 1/40000 28-29 Belgium and France. Luingne. Service was held for Roman Catholics at 9.00 hours at Convent of St Charles, Luingne. There were no other parades, the day being observed as a holiday.


Battalion paraded at 9.15 hours in the square and route marched through Petit-Voisinage – Rolleghem – Torpentoek. The 107th Infantry Brigade beat the 108th in Rugby by one try to nil.


Battalion had ordinary training. Fatigue of 30 Other Ranks sent to Brigade for purpose of drawing huts from Roubaix. A practice fire alarm was tried. Regimental censorship of letters discontinued.


Inspection of billets by Adjutant. Kits were inspected and men paid.


Ordinary Church services were held at Mouscron and Luingne.


Roman Catholic service at Luingne at 9.00 hours. The remainder of Battalion had a cross-country paper chase through Herseaux district in which the Second-in-Command and padre joined in.


Battalion bathed at Mouscron. Remainder of morning spent in Lewis Gun instruction with physical training. The 108th Brigade beat Divisional Engineers Rugby team by ten point. Six men were sent away for demobilisation. All men (about 40) desirous of re-enlisting were examined by the Medical Officer.


Training consisted of physical recreation, ceremonial drill and instruction in the Lewis Gun. Lieutenant T Graves and 2nd Lieutenant C.H Steele MC cross-posted to the 1st Battalion.


Day was spent in ordinary training. Battalion Headquarters held a Whist Drive for the men.


Party of four Officers and 40 Other Ranks were instructed in use of the fire pump at Mouscron Fire Station. Remainder of Battalion had ordinary training. Men had bath today who did not bathe on 7th inst.


Ordinary weekly billet inspection held by Commanding Officer and Medical Officer with pay parade. Battalion tug-of-war team defeated team of 1st Royal Irish Rifles in Mouscron Square.


A special Church service was held at Roubaix by the Archbishop of Canterbury at which a party of Officers and Other Ranks from the Battalion attended. Ordinary Church services were also held at Mouscron and Luingne.


Battalion paraded at 9.15 hours and did a few exercises in ceremonial drill. After an hour's physical training the Battalion witnessed a tug-of-war pull against the 12th Royal Irish Rifles in which our boys were successful. Officers' riding class was held in afternoon.


Battalion bathed. C Company had cross-country run. Usual riding class for the Officers was held. One Platoon of B Company was inspected by the Commanding Officer.


Morning was spent in ceremonial drill and training under Company arrangements. The Battalion concert troupe 'The Sandbags' gave an entertainment in D Company's Mess at 17.30 hours which was very enjoyable.


The Battalion attended a lecture on 'Venereal Disease' given by the Assistant Director Medical Services at Mouscron. The Battalion tug-of-war team defeated the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers team at the railway station. The concert troupe gave a performance again at 17.30 hours.


Lecture by Commanding Officer on Platoon drill. Battalion was drilled by the Regimental Sergeant-Major. Other parades consisted of physical recreation, etc with school.


Ordinary weekly inspection of billets by Commanding Officer, inspection of men by Commanding Officer and pay. Lecture by Major Lowe DSO on 'Physical Recreation'. Captain F MacClean appointed Demobilisation Officer. The French interpreter, M Valin, leaves Battalion. The tug-of-war team easily defeated an Artillery team in the Divisional tug-of-war competition at Mouscron Square.


Captain J Morrow left for demobilisation. Church services were held at Luingne except Presbyterian section at Mouscron at 10.00 hours. Lieutenant A Carr takes over duty as Battalion Transport Officer.


First hour of parade was spent in physical drill. At 11.00 hours the Battalion witnessed a game of basket ball between two American teams in Mouscron Square. This was followed by a tug-of-war competition between A and C Companies in which the former was victorious. In the afternoon the same Companies engaged in a Rugby contest in which the same Company won.


Battalion bathed but water was cold owing to scarcity of fuel for heating. 'A' Company had a cross-country run. Remainder of morning was spent in ordinary training and school.


Battalion paraded in morning and had a few exercises in ceremonial drill. Physical training with an hour's compulsory education took up remainder of morning. The Sergeants held a Whist Drive at night to which all Officers were invited. In football the Sergeants were beaten by a team of Officers.


Ordinary training was done under Company arrangements and school. The tug-of-war and football teams spent the day in Lille, being conveyed there in a lorry. One Officer and six Other Ranks went as train escort.


First hour was spent in physical training. Battalion paraded afterwards for an hour's practice in ceremonial drill and also had compulsory education. In the afternoon a cross-country competition was held of which A Company were the winner.


Battalion paraded at 9.30 hours and marched to aviation ground at Herseaux where with the other Battalions of the Brigade a practice presentation of colours was gone through. Men were paid in afternoon and D Company beat C in football match.


Usual Church services were held in Mouscron and Luingne.


First hour in morning was spent in physical training. Owing to fall of snow the contemplated route march was cancelled and the men cleared the streets instead. They also had an hour's compulsory education. Commanding Officer gave lecture on 'Demobilisation' to Officers.


The Battalion paraded at 9.30 hours and marched to Herseaux aviation ground with the other Battalions of the Brigade. The colours which consisted of a silk Union Jack were consecrated and presented to the Battalion by the Corps Commander. The Battalion concert party gave a performance at 17.30 hours.


The Battalion was employed chiefly in clearing the streets of snow. Men desirous of going before the Divisional Advisory Board were interviewed by the Commanding Officer. The Battalion concert party 'The Sandbags' gave a performance at 17.30 hours.


Battalion Headquarters and the concert party went to Lille on two motor lorries where the day was spent. The remainder of Battalion did suitable training. Those seeking information as to their future calling in life were interviewed by the Divisional Advisory Board.


Ordinary training was done. During the month schools classes have been conducted under 2nd Lieutenant Kemp on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subjects taught are reading, writing, arithmetic, history and geography; bookkeeping, shorthand and commercial subjects are also taught by 2nd Lieutenant L Lees. Demobilisation has speeded up during the last few days, the total number now away being one Officer 104 Other Ranks.

[Signed] R.J Tamplin
Commanding 9th Royal Irish Fusiliers


February 1919


Reference sheet 1/40000 28 29 Belgium France.
Luingne. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales visited the Battalion in their billets. Rifles and Lewis Guns were inspected by an Officer from the Army Ordnance Corps. The men also were inspected by the Medical Officer and were afterwards paid.


Usual Church services were held in Luingne and Mouscron.


Training was composed of one hour's physical training, tactical exercise, drill, guard mounting and compulsory education.


The Battalion bathed. The remainder of time the Companies were at the disposal of Company Commanders. Captain P.E Maclean took over duties of Adjutant temporarily.


Companies carried out ordinary training. Officers and men wishing information re future careers were interviewed by the Civil Advisory Board at Lille.


First hour was spent in physical training, two hours in cleaning snow from streets and an hour in compulsory education.


Training consisted of physical recreation, compulsory education with ordinary Company training.


Billets were inspected by the Commanding Officer. The usual medical inspection and pay parades were also held.


Ref sheet 1/40000 28 29 Belgium France. Luingne. Ordinary Church services were held in Mouscron.


Battalion was inspected by the Brigade Commander who afterwards visited them in the billets for inspection of kit. Battalion bathed in the afternoon.


Battalion was reorganised into two Companies (Nos 1 & 2), No.1 being composed of men for the Post Bellum Army or Army of Occupation, No.2 consisting of all others except those under the control of Transport Officer and Quartermaster.


Reorganisation of Battalion was continued today.


Ordinary training was done.


Ordinary training was done.


Usual weekly inspections were held by the Commanding Officer and Medical Officer and men were paid.


Usual Church services were held.


Training consisted of physical recreation.


Training consisted of physical recreation. At 17.30 hours the Battalion concert party 'The Sandbags' gave a performance in the Convent.


One hour was spent in physical training after which no men were available for further training.


Usual hour for physical training. Battalion bathed.


A Court of Enquiry was held re deficiency of blankets and oil sheets.


Usual inspections were held by Commanding Officer and Medical Officer and men paid. Surplus horses of transport were sent away for dispersal.


Usual Church services.


Training was done under Company arrangements. The Officers held a dinner in the Officers' Club in Tourcoing.


Training under Company arrangements.


Training under Company arrangements.


First hour was spent in physical training followed by a route march.


Luingne. Training under Company arrangements. The total number demobilized up to end of months is eight Officers and 402 Other Ranks. The Battalion school has been closed.

[Signed] R.J Tamplin
Lieutenant Colonel
Commanding 9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers.


March 1919


Mouscron. Battalion remained at Mouscron.


[8 March] Mouscron. Remaining men for dispersal (20) sent away.
[8-18 March] Battalion remained at Mouscron.


1st Royal Irish Fusiliers cadre proceeded home. Surplus personnel attached to this Battalion.


Two Officers 27 Other Ranks despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment on the Rhine.



Three Officers 60 Other Ranks despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.
One Officer to Concentration Camp for dispersal and 22 Other Ranks.



Nine Other Ranks to Concentration Camp for dispersal.
Two Officers despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



Nineteen Other Ranks despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.


April 1919


Twenty-three Other Ranks despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



One Officer despatched to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.


Two Officers to Concentration Camp for dispersal.



Twelve Other Ranks to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



Mouscron. One Royal Army Medical Corps Officer (attached) to Concentration Camp for dispersal.



One Officer to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



Two Other Ranks to Concentration Camp for dispersal.



Eight Other Ranks to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.
* One Officer Royal Irish Rifles attached to Battalion.



[19 April] Five Other Ranks to Concentration Camp for dispersal.
[19 April] Two Officers (including * above) to Concentration Camp for dispersal.
[19-30 April] Remained at Mouscron pending dispersal.


May 1919


[1-31 May] Remained at Mouscron pending dispersal.



One Officer and 10 Other Ranks to Concentration Camp for dispersal.



One Other Rank to Concentration Camp for dispersal.



Four Other Ranks to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



One Other Rank to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



June 1919



One Other Rank to 5th Royal Irish Regiment.



Mouscron. Three Officers and 23 Other Ranks (cadre) to Concentration Camp for dispersal.
Of the party for dispersal on this date, one Officer and five Other Ranks are detailed as Colour Guard, charged with handing over King's Colour to the authorities of Armagh Cathedral.
An Equipment Guard of two Officers and twelve Other Ranks remain pending orders for shipment of Battalion equipment to UK.


[Signed] R.J Tamplin
Lieutenant Colonel
Commanding 9th Royal Irish Fusiliers
9th June 1919